What we Raise:
In 2024, we ended our 13 year run with Community Supported Agriculture to focus more on the soil health of our farm using animals as a key factor in doing this. We still grow about 1 acre of Certified Organic Vegetables for our Online Farm store and several local restaurants and food Co-ops.
We have a growing herd of Scottish Highland Cattle that rotate in an intensive grazing plan on our 140-acre farm. They are 100% grass-fed, grass-finished, which means they are fed grain of any kind and only eat organic hay in the winter.
We are in our 13th year of raising heritage bred hogs. These animals are also raised on pasture, moved frequently and fed an Organic feed ration that does not contain corn or soy, but barley, peas and minerals. They also eat plenty of our veggie scraps.
We are in our 5th year of raising Certified Organic Broiler Chickens. We raise up 2 batches a year. They are pastured, move daily within their coops and are fed an Organic grain ration that also does not contain corn or soy.
We are in our 2nd year of raising Certified Organic Turkeys! We got rave reviews of the tender, tasty and full flavor of our turkeys last year for familiies Thanksgiving tables and can’t wait to try it again this year. We will start pre-selling our Turkeys in May. We also have Organic Turkey cut-up parts for sale throughout the year.
About the Farm
On our farm, we use organic methods and practices that keep the soil intact, the fertility to naturally increase using crop rotation, cover crops, intensive grazing and pastured animals, and the wildlife, animals and plants to thrive.
From managing the soils on our farm, to thoughtfully choosing pest and weed management tactics, we seek to increase the diversity of our biological world, both above and below ground. To us, sustainable farming includes nurturing the soils rather than treating the crops. To be stronger stewards of the land and of our vegetables and livestock, we feel it is better to work toward understanding the causes than it is to treat the symptoms.
Each living thing on our farm has a purpose, whether it’s a plant start, a tiny chick, a clover bud or an earthworm. We believe in the cycle of life and use natural animal manures to fertilize, rotate our animals on fallow fields, plant fields to cover crops to give them a rest from vegetable and have been establishing perennial pastures on our farm now for 5 years. The increase in wildlife, bugs and worms we have seen is amazing in the time we have settled onto this land.
We see this regenerative whole farm ecosystem as essential work towards water, soil and habitat conservation and quality, even on this small piece of land.